Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weekend Visitors and Happy Birthday Trey

Last Saturday David's Dad and Mom came till Monday morning. As with most visitors that come, we put them to work! (: We also celebrated Treyton's 1st birthday while they were here even though it was a couple days early. He is not walking completely, but he does go 4-5 steps at a time.
The weather has been so beautiful, if you don't mind yellow pollen settling on EVERYTHING, I would say it cannot get much nicer! I have been after David to get the lawn mower ready, it is time to mow!

We have these cute little flowers in the yard right now that the girls have fun picking for me.

The project that David and his Dad worked on was getting rid of this ugly porch and replacing it with a NICE, BIG deck.

Rissa did not like the loud power tools

The completed (except for a couple finishing touches and landscaping) project-THANKS!!

Rissa ready for her first day at Sunday School

Has it really been a year since Treyton was born??!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Treyton! Grandma Summy made him a 'Block' cake


Treyton had fun opening gifts and eating envelopes. (:

His favorite snack!

Grandma also brought a cake for Rissa...

...and some gifts

Amber lost tooth number 2

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